Bronchitis: Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Bronchitis can be defined as an infection of the bronchi, which are the main airways of the lungs. The infection causes the bronchi to become irritated and as a result, get inflamed. Bronchial tubes deliver air from the trachea to the lungs. Mucus builds up when the bronchial tubes get inflamed.

Acute bronchitis is a common lung infection that affects people of all ages. However, it is most commonly found in children younger than the age of five. The cases of acute bronchitis increase during the winter and often develop due to a cold, flu, or sore throat.

The most common symptom of Bronchitis is a cough along with a yellow-grey mucus (commonly known as phlegm). The bronchi are the main airways of the lungs, which lead to smaller airways inside the lungs called bronchioles. The bronchial walls reduce mucus to trap dust and other external particles that can cause irritation. In acute bronchitis, the infection causes the bronchi to become inflamed due to the irritation, and therefore produce more mucus than what is normal. As a reflex action, the body tries to mitigate this excess mucus through expulsion, by coughing.

Types of Bronchitis

Bronchitis can be of two types; acute and chronic. As the names suggest, acute bronchitis lasts for a short period of time and can be resolved with medication, whereas chronic bronchitis is more persistent and such patients can only be relieved of symptoms temporarily.

Acute Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis generally lasts lesser than 10 days, however, the coffee can persist for several weeks. In acute bronchitis, people will probably develop 1 off after the initial infection. While the cough is dry at first, it becomes productive later. A productive cough is a telltale sign of acute bronchitis and can last anywhere between 10 days to 3 weeks.

Chronic Bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis comprises symptoms that are similar to acute bronchitis. The only difference between the two is that Chronic Bronchitis is defined as an ongoing illness. According to one definition, a person suffers from chronic bronchitis if they have a productive cough, daily, for at least three months in one year, for two or more consecutive years.

Chronic Bronchitis is also described as a type of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), wherein the bronchial tubes produce a large amount of mucus. This type of Bronchitis either goes away and keeps coming back or does not go away at all.

Symptoms of Bronchitis

A hacking cough is the main symptom of bronchitis. This cough may also bring up thick mucus in some cases. The symptoms of Bronchitis are quite similar to those of other diseases or conditions such as sinusitis, and the common cold.

Typical symptoms of Acute and Chronic Bronchitis include the following.

  • Sore throat
  • Wheezing
  • Tiredness
  • Feeling cold
  • Runny nose
  • Low fever
  • Muscle pain and backache
  • Persistent cough
  • Breathlessness
  • Headache
  • Blocked nose
  • Blocked sinuses


In a majority of cases, bronchitis goes away without treatment. However, if one does choose to visit their doctor, they can begin with a physical examination of the patient. As part of the examination, the doctor listens to the sounds of the patient's lungs as the patient breathes. During this, the doctor checks for symptoms such as wheezing, asks about the kind of cough the patient is suffering from, the frequency of the cough, and whether it is a productive cough, among other questions.

The doctor can also ask about any recently contracted viruses or colds, and whether the patient has any problem in breathing. In case of any uncertainty about the diagnosis, doctors can ask patients for a chest X-ray, which helps the doctor in understanding if the patient is suffering from pneumonia. Additionally, the doctor might ask for blood tests and cultures if they think the patient has an infection in addition to bronchitis.

Grocare®'s Ayurveda Treatment For Bronchitis

While Western medicine incorporates the use of medicines that, over a long period of time, may cause harmful side effects, Grocare®'s Bronchitis Kit helps control Bronchitis and associated symptoms. This is a respiratory kit, which is research-based and designed to alleviate and control bronchitis and its symptoms.

Grocare®'s Bronchitis Kit consists of:

Absogen®, which is a research-based product that works as a supplement to control anti-inflammatory markers such as fibrinogen and CRP, among others.

Abronym®, which is scientifically proven as an effective antifibrotic that melts blockages and mucus depositions in bronchial tubes and lung cavities.