How to Cure PCOS with Ayurvedic Medicine

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder that affects 1 out of 10 women of childbearing age. It is a serious disease that is also the leading cause of infertility in women.

Grocare has developed a natural PCOS treatment kit made up of two products: Yerovac & Activiz.

Yerovac is a natural blood thinner that dissolves ovarian cysts and helps the symptoms and pain caused by the cysts. Yerovac also aims at balancing hormones and helping the body go back into its usual state. As the hormonal imbalances are healed, it can also lead to increased fertility.
Activiz helps prevent further formation of cysts and controls the size and density of existing cysts.

When you add Yerovac + Activiz to a healthy lifestyle and the remove as much stress and chemical environmental toxins as possible, your ovaries will be restored and fertility will naturally rise.



What is PCOS? 

PCOD, or polycystic ovarian disease, also known as PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a common health condition among women. It results from an imbalance in female reproductive hormones which then create stress on the ovaries, causing the eggs to develop abnormally.

The disease affects 80 percent of women who are found to have oocyte infertility. This means that the ovaries do not produce a viable egg at every menstrual cycle. It is also common that women with PCOS have other health issues, including higher rates of endometrial cancer, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.


Signs and Symptoms of PCOS

There are many symptoms of PCOS, and they change from woman to woman. Some of these signs can begin soon after your first period. Other times the symptoms don’t begin until later during reproductive years. The most common symptoms of PCOS include irregular periods, elevated levels of male hormones, and polycystic ovaries.

Irregular periods are the most common sign of PCOS and are what women most often notice. An irregular period is classified by having a menstrual cycle that is:

  • Longer than 35 days
  • Fewer than eight cycles a year
  • No periods for four months or longer
  • Extremely long and heavy periods

Another sign of PCOS is increased levels of the male hormone, androgen. When women have increased levels of this hormone, you may notice excess facial hair and body hair, or severe adult acne. You may also notice signs of male-pattern baldness.

As a result of the imbalance of estrogen and progesterone in the body, ovarian cysts begin to form. Ovarian cysts are benign masses that are like fluid-filled sacs. Polycystic ovaries become enlarged and these cysts surround the eggs.

Some other symptoms of PCOS can include:

  • Obesity
  • Difficulty losing weight
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep problems

    What Causes PCOS? 

    Though modern medicine is uncertain exactly how PCOS begins, there seem to be multiple risk factors. There are usually higher than normal androgen levels in women who suffer from PCOS. These high levels prevent the ovaries from regularly releasing an egg during a menstrual cycle. There are also usually high levels of insulin in women with PCOS. Insulin is a hormone that controls how much we eat and how that food is changed into energy.

    Some of these factors seem to be caused by genetics, or are passed down by one or both parents. There is also evidence that some environmental factors cause PCOS to be more common. For example, though PCOS can cause obesity, obesity also causes an increase in PCOS.

    There are many chemicals released into our environment which may increase PCOS. These chemicals can be found in pesticides, herbicides, personal care products, plastics, fire retardants, drinking water, and genetically modified foods like soy, lead, arsenic, and mercury, just to name a few.

    When poor diet, a lack of exercise, and toxic environmental factors are not addressed, the normal androgen levels in a woman that can prevent the ovaries from releasing an egg are not corrected either.


    How is PCOS Diagnosed?

    Women who experience one or more of the symptoms of PCOS often seek traditional treatment to get a diagnosis.

    The following methods are used to diagnose PCOS:

    • During an initial consultation, your doctor will ask you questions about when your last period was, or if you are experiencing any pain. Abnormal menstrual cycles will be noted as a possible PCOS concern. If you have multiple symptoms of PCOS, then your doctor will likely require a physical examination.
    • During a physical exam, your doctor will measure your blood pressure, and your body mass index (BMI) to check for obesity. They will look for male-pattern baldness, additional hair growth on your body, and acne.
    • Your doctor may also order blood tests to measure for increased level of androgens in the blood, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, or thyroid issues since these, too, can indicate PCOS.

    Finally, your doctor may request that you get a pelvic ultrasound that uses soundwaves to examine your ovaries for cysts and check the lining of the uterus.


    How is PCOS Normally Treated? 

    There are several ways that PCOS is normally treated with Western- medicine, but almost none of them address the root cause of the issue, and instead attempt only to ‘fix’ the symptoms.

    This is one of the main differences between how Grocare India addresses a health issue and how most doctors approach a patient’s concerns.

    The first thing doctors will usually turn to is a prescription drug. These are usually clomiphene citrate based treatment for timed intercourse. Newer anti-estrogen called letrozole are often used when clomiphene citrate is unsuccessful.

    The second line of treatment used by allopathic medicine is called ovarian drilling, or exogenous gonadotropins or laparoscopic ovarian surgery.

    A last resort surgery that was once used more often, called wedge resection may be used.

    Considered the ‘last-last-resort’ is in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection is only recommended when the previous interventions fail.

    Chemical-based medications prescribed by allopathic medicine can be very harmful to our bodies, and both of these procedures have questionable success rates and quite a few negative side effects including:

    • Vaginal bleeding
    • Blurred vision
    • Nausea
    • Ovarian hyperstimulation (ovarian enlargement)
    • Vomiting
    • Flushing
    • Breast tenderness
    • Increased likelihood of multiple births
    • Stroke
    • Seizures
    • Shortness of Breath

    These drugs also chemically induces a woman’s ovulatory cycle, instead of allowing it to be restored to its original, healthy rhythm.

    The good news is that successful treatment of infertility is usually possible in the majority of patients with PCOD, but by using natural, non-invasive, non-chemical remedies.


    Can I Still Get Pregnant if I Have PCOS?

    Many women are concerned that they cannot get pregnant if they are diagnosed with PCOS. You can absolutely get pregnant if you have PCOS, but you will usually need to treat the underlying hormonal imbalance first.


    PCOS treatment – Ayurvedic Treatment by Grocare

    Grocare has developed a natural PCOS treatment kit made up of two products: Yerovac & Activiz.

    Yerovac is a natural blood thinner that dissolves ovarian cysts and helps the symptoms and pain caused by the cysts. Yerovac also aims at balancing hormones and helping the body go back into its usual state. As the hormonal imbalances are healed, it can also lead to increased fertility.

    Activiz helps prevent further formation of cysts and controls the size and density of existing cysts.


    When you add Yerovac + Activiz to a healthy lifestyle and the remove as much stress and chemical environmental toxins as possible, your ovaries will be restored and fertility will naturally rise.


    Hello. I would like this to published as anonymous.
    We have been trying to conceive for a over four years now without any results. We consulted specialists who gave us so many treatments which were very costly, but ineffective. Eventually we conducted tests and found out I had PCOS. I used to have painful periods, but everyone I knew told me it was normal so i ignored it and just beared through the pain. I never resorted to pain killers. When we started trying, my pain reduced but it seems I was not able to conceive. Its been just 3 months i have been on this medication, and for once I shock my friends and my mother telling them that my periods are pain free. I honestly do not know whether this will help me conceive. But under Grocare’s guidance I am so relieved that something is finally working for me. Thank you for replying to all my queries so fast, it really helps. Hoping for the best.

    -Anonymous, Age 32, New south wales, Australia

    Hi I am married for last 6 years, age 32, with 1 child. I had many problems during my monthly periods, mood changes, too much or too less bleeding and worst was there was lot of pain before. A friend of mine suggested Yerovac strongly, and I took it reluctantly. To my surprise, it gave dramatic results and I am extremely happy now. Thanks to my friend and Grocare. I would strongly advice to all young girls for their menstruration cramps and also to married young women for their PCOD problems. Due to social stigma, I am not giving my name, sorry about it.

    -Anonymous, Age 32, Mumbai, India

    Hi Grocare and its customers ! I used to get terrified with the thought that my period is about to come. Reason was shooting pain and fatigue. Then Yerovac and Activiz came to my life and ever since then, I do not fear this monthly routine.

    Thanks Grocare for helping me and I have been recommending to all my friends for their Cramps.

    -Name not disclosed, 18, Delhi

    I am 16 years of age and I started getting my periods when I was 14. They have always been very painful. They used to make me cry and I could not get out of the house or go to school. My mother convinced me to try this because she heard from her friend that it works. Under careful guidance by grocare, now there is no pain at all.

    -Shreya Karmarkar, Navi Mumbai, India

    After visiting over fifteen doctors and taking all precautions and medicines prescribed, i got fed up and started searching online for an alternative when I came across this medicine Yerovac and Activiz. It arrived in three days and i started taking it immediately. Now, whenever I used to chum I would get severe pain for the first 2 days and then I would continue chumming for about 7-8 days with less pain which was occasional. The first period I got after taking these medicines was the first time I did not have to resort to any pain killers. My periods ended in three days and they were smooth and were “mildly uncomfortable”. From the second period onwards, I was not scared of starting my periods. I just want to thank this medicine.

    – Anonymous, New York