Piles Treatment: Piles Cure Without Surgery

Piles treatment without surgery is a two step process which involves the following:

Firstly is your lifestyle. It is important to keep your meals fibrous and light to regulate bowel movements and reduce stress. However this is only part of the treatment. While this may help causing further stress on the piles, it does not really help reducing the stress or current inflammation.

Second is to give strength & repair the systems from within. Grocare’s Restotab, Xembran and Activiz can help do that naturally & without harmful side effects.

RESTOTAB helps to normalize pressure in veins and reduce congestion of veins around the Anus thereby reducing the swelling and discomfort. RESTOTAB and ACTIVIZ work in harmony to promote the excretion of waste and toxic free radicals. XEMBRAN helps remove any bacteria such as h pylori and helps regulate natural gut microflora to restore the balance and remove the root cause of the disease. They help to heal ruptured veins which helps to stop the associated bleeding and pain and help piles treatment without surgery. This way the systems will gain strength over a period of time and you diet will make sure the disease is kept at bay. This is the ideal way to successfully cure piles to make sure it never returns.


Do you know what Piles is ?

Hemorrhoids are vascular structures in your body which get inflamed in the disease.

The name of the disease is piles, where in the vascular structures in the anal canal become swollen on inflamed and cause discomfort or bleeding. These vascular structures or veins in the anal canal usually help in the smooth movement of the bowel. It is important to know that these veins are very thin and extremely sensitive. That is why when they swell up, they can cause a lot of discomfort and pain during defecation.

There are two types of Piles – internal and external. Internal piles are usually not visible and do not cause any major discomfort. The only sign is bleeding without discomfort. External piles are usually present in the anus. They tend to hurt and bleed a lot, specially during defecation.


Symptoms of Piles:

Hemorrhoids don’t always cause symptoms, so you may not realize you have them. Most commonly, you could:

  • Feel discomfort, itching, or pain around your anus
  • See blood on the toilet paper or in the toilet bowl when you go to the bathroom
  • Get moist, pink bumps around the edge of or bulging out from your anus (These may look purple or blue too)

It is said that over 50% people develop some form of symptomatic piles disease during their lifetime. With over half of them also having another disease such as fissure, skin tag, anal abrasion etc.

Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3057743/


Cause of Piles:

Modern medicine claims that the exact cause of piles remains unknown. Thats right! Ayurveda offers a more realistic and understandable reason for Piles.

Ayurveda states that the reason for piles is sedentary lifestyle over a prolonged period. Modern research says that Helicobacter pylori is one of the most known causes of Piles.

In the research conducted by Grocare – it was found that patients with piles had a few factors in common:

  • Irregular defecation patterns
  • Irregular sleeping patterns
  • Late food timings
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Incomplete sleep
  • Stress
  • Skipping meals

In the research Grocare conducted studies to determine the cause behind this disease. A pathological hypothesis was derived as follows:

Due to irregular food habits and defecation timings, there is an imbalance of gut microflora and bad bacteria such as helicobacter pylori develop stress in the colonic area which tends to accumulate over a period of time. Irregular to incomplete defecation tends to cause damage to the vascular structures in the anus. This causes increase in pressure in the region due to which there is inflammation. Because the veins in the region are so sensitive, they burst often and cause bleeding. Thus it was observed that piles was a lifestyle disease.


An increased pressure due to swelling in and around the colon caused by imbalanced gut microflora is the main reason for Piles. Certain situations increase the chance of piles developing :

  • Constipation
  • Sedimentary lifestyle
  • Fast foods, lack of fibre
  • Hereditary factors
  • Pregnancy
  • Ageing

    How to Control Piles

    • Avoid constipation and straining at the toilet

    Try to maintain a healthy intestines at all times. It is not so easy with so called modern lifestyle. So, try to get up early, go for a walk, have a good and healthy breakfast, have an early and light dinner, go to bed early. Take fruits between breakfast and lunch time. Correct any intestinal disorder that you may have, so that normalcy is restored as soon as possible and you can build on intestinal health. A good and healthy intestine will ensure that you never get constipated and never have to strain.

    Reading, playing on mobile or laptops or watching TV while in Toilet is BAD.
    • Have a good night sleep 

    Difficult to believe but true. Digestion is completed when we get a good, uninterrupted, undisturbed sleep for good 6-8 hours. The body repairs itself during this period and also releases lots of enzymes and hormoes so essential for body’s maintenance and keeping you healthy. So, if you do not get a good sleep, digestion will not be completed and constipation will follow. You can notice it yourself by observing that whenever you have had a disturbed or a short sleep, next morning bowel movements are not regular, as compared to a good and normal bowel movements after a good night sleep. Such is the importance of sleep for our health.

    • Eat plenty of fibre

    Such as fruit, vegetables, cereals, wholegrain bread, etc.

    • Have adequate good quality water to drink

    Adults should aim to drink (not alcohol and not sugary drinks) at least two litres water per day. You will pass much of the fluid as urine, but some is passed out in the gut and softens and regularises faeces. Water should be of good quality, ideally from a river source, should be soft and should have proper pH. Water from well, borewell, hard water is not advisable for good intestinal health.

    • Do not Delay Defecating 

    Go to the toilet as soon as possible after feeling the need. Some people suppress this feeling and plan to go to the toilet later. This may result in bigger and harder faeces forming which are then more difficult to pass. Also the faecal material tends to ferment and that may cause lot of disturbances to you in the form of headaches, invitation to infection, bloating and gas and others.

    Piles treatment without surgery.

    RESTOTAB helps to normalize pressure in veins and reduce congestion of veins around the Anus thereby reducing the swelling and discomfort. RESTOTAB and ACTIVIZ work in harmony to promote the excretion of waste and toxic free radicals. XEMBRAN helps remove any bacteria such as h pylori and helps regulate natural gut microflora to restore the balance and remove the root cause of the disease. They help to heal ruptured veins which helps to stop the associated bleeding and pain and help piles treatment without surgery. This way the systems will gain strength over a period of time and you diet will make sure the disease is kept at bay. This is the way to successfully cure piles.